Star Hat Miniatures
Darcy Perry
I live in Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud, half an hour from Hobbiton as the crow flies. I am a dad, a musician, a builder, and a hobbyist. Star Hat Miniatures is my workshop where dungeon delvers, anthropomorphic adventurers, and all manner of monsters come out to play. This is where I imagine, write, draw, and sculpt science-fantasy miniatures that are reminiscent of the first metal figurines I painted in my youth; when Star Wars was a trilogy, White Dwarf had articles dedicated to a variety of games, and barbarians pumped iron, wore loin cloths, and spoke with an Austrian accent.
Star Hat Miniatures came about thanks to a supportive Kickstarter community, built on the critical success of Dungeon Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom, I, II, and III. Then came Quack Keep, a wonderful collaboration with legendary game designer and artist Jennell Jaquays. After that I had a vision. Unlike other games where ducks are relegated as side-kicks or comic relief, imagine they're the star players; the heroic explorers on an epic adventure….
Hither came DuckQuest, a tongue-in-beak fantasy role-playing game of high adventure in the world of AquaLoonia. DuckQuest is a game with an unapologetic humorous bent. There will be absurd flights of fantasy, fleeting moments of lucidity and far too many fowl puns. This is a game of light and duck….