Bombshell Miniatures
Patrick Keith
Initially Patrick was a hobbiest and gamer with ranging interests in D&D, Warhammer, and Star Wars. His lifelong ambition was to either make spaceships for ILM or paint covers for Dragon Magazine. Upon returning from GenCon in 2005, Patrick resumed sculpting and endeavored to work through his animosity towards the dreaded "green putty". After compiling a mountain of reference on the internet he managed to complete his first recognizable miniature figure, Meagan the Buccaneer. Shortly after, Patrick attended the Reaper Artist Conference the same year and participated in a few of the classes offered which solidified his technique and imparted invaluable instruction and tips.
Since then Patrick has taught workshops on sculpting and basing miniatures and has won additional awards for his sculpting. He has provided sculpts for some of the top miniatures companies in the industry and continually works to improve his skill and craftsmanship. You can see many of his sculpts in ranges from Reaper Miniatures, Dark Sword Miniatures, Privateer Press, Impact Miniatures, CMoN, and DGS Games, to name a few.
In the fall of 2012 Patrick formed Bombshell Miniatures whose first line of all-female cross-genre models Babes™ was successfully funded through Kickstarter. In May of 2019 Patrick completed his transition to digital sculpting from traditional media by launching the Babes IV Kickstarter campaign. He now works exclusively in Zbrush for sculpting while focusing on work for only select clients and his boutique line of Bombshell Miniatures.